Applications are open now for No New Things

Are you ready to get unstuck? Learn how to move past people-pleasing tendencies and prioritise your own wellbeing? Are you calling in support to heal from the past? Do you want to shift out of overwhelm and into a grounded and regulated place? Are you ready to TRUST yourself?

This is YOUR time. 

Inside No New Things you shift from feeling confused to being clear in who you are and where you're headed.

You move past the feelings of overwhelm and know how to ground your energy, connecting with your intuition.

And you learn how to borrow courage and bravery to make the necessary changes to bring you into deeper alignment with your authenticity. 

This programme is a leap of faith into the life you know you are worthy of.

No New Things is a transformational 12-week group coaching programme  that gives you the education and accountability to connect with your authentic self, upgrade your mindset, experience emotional healing, and trust yourself to live a life you love.


Book a free 15 minute connection call

What would be possible if you trusted your intuition?

100% of past participants felt more connected to and trusting of their intuition after completing No New Things. This transformation could be yours, too. 

Discover the tools within you to take on any of life's challenges during this transformational 12-week programme.

Are you living the life you thought you wanted, but it doesn’t feel quite right?

You’ve changed jobs and moved cities, but don’t feel grounded. There’s still that whisper deep down saying, “not this”. 

Perhaps you know your next step, but are self-sabotaging before you even start. 

You’re not alone. 

No New Things helps you find the answers within. I guide you home to your authentic self, so you can begin to live a life you love, unapologetically.

My trauma-informed approach supports you to expand your capacity to feel, to find new meaning from life experiences and deepen your connection with your authenticity.

No New Things is an 12-week, online group mentoring programme that supports you to grow self-leadership, experience emotional healing, and trust yourself. 

Are you ready to transform your life?

Key Programme Dates for 2024

Cohort 10: 5 September - 21 November (final intake)

What past clients are saying...


"No New Things has given me a sense of clarity and a sense of wellbeing. As a leader and mother, I am prioritising the wellbeing of others all the time, and this programme taught me how to remember to support my needs as well. I've tapped into my purpose, now know how to ask for help, be present, analyse my stress response and to deepen my connection with my body. What I loved most about this programme was the community, the different perspectives and how that helped me shift my mindset, and the amazing energy everyone brought. My biggest 'aha' moment came through releasing my limiting beliefs and getting inspired to create stories that support myself and my goals. The impact this programme has had on me has been that I have created more space for me so that I can serve my family and work better. I've shifted from feeling stressed and anxious to feeling more calm and seeking clarity and purpose. Gemma, thank you for the accountability and words of wisdom!"


 "No New Things was an eye-opening experience which has given me the tools to tune into my intuition and find myself again. I have found strength in my no, know how to put myself first, and I have learnt how to sit in the uncomfortablness of my own emotions and experiences. Not only that, I can practise self-compassion as I work through them. Gemma made me feel supported to accomplish my goal of feeling more connected with my intuition. The impact of No New Things on my life is that I finally feel like I am 'normal' for having human experiences and emotions, and that I can heal and find strength in the abnormal experiences I have gone through - I choose how I can move forward and retake control of my life. What I found really helpful was that you really listened and let me choose how I wanted to move forward, which made me feel like my healing journey is something I can work through. This experience completely changed my year and life for the better! #therearenonewthings - thank you Gemma!"

Te Amohaere

"If you're feeling uncertain about life, working through trauma, or looking for guidance on how to listen to your body, this programme is for you! What helped me the most inside No New Things was the reassurance that I have the key to make things happen for myself. Before the programme, I was struggling to understand why I was feeling the way I did, and I didn't know what my next step in life was. Now, I'm aware, in touch with my intuition, and can ground my energy and listen inward and know that my purpose is music.  I've realised my worth, what my strengths are and how to use them. I am saying yes to growth and have made some big changes to support my next steps in my career. I feel like I'm more in the present, in touch with my hinengaro and tinana whereas before it was hard to pinpoint my triggers. I have changed for the better and know how to move forward  in life in a way that benefits me and my son. I have so much to celebrate, including my belief in who I aspire to be, my passion for music, and how much the relationships with my son and family have improved. No more people-pleasing...I can choose me!"

More than 60 humans have been through No New Things.

What do they join for?

Nervous System Regulation—learning how to ground themselves in challenges and uncertainty

Deeper Connection—within themselves and with others

Emotional Healing—recovering from trauma and finding empowerment from past experiences by addressing the root cause 

Overcoming Mindset Blocks—and limiting beliefs stopping them from meeting their potential

Taking Action—identifying what their key values are, and aligning their life to what matters most

Community—finding new friends and peers on the same life path

Compassionate Boundary Setting—honouring their own needs and energy

Accountability—to achieve their newly uncovered dreams and ambitions


In No New Things you receive:

✓ Support from community, where you can find your people

✓ A space that is safe, non-oppressive, welcoming of all walks of life

✓ The resources to believe in yourself and your unique gifts

✓ A kete (basket) of tools to ground yourself when faced with the unknown, uncertainties, and triggers

✓ Permission to take off your mask and personas, and be your authentic self


No New Things is for you if you:


Feel disconnected from your life, like you’ve lost your spark

Find it hard to celebrate your successes and are generally focused on the next thing

Identify as a highly sensitive person

Are over living in chaos and overwhelm

Have dabbled in self-development and self-help books, podcasts and online content—and are ready for support to achieve real transformation

Are sick of looking at social media ‘gurus’ and online for quick fixes

Want to experience emotional healing and develop self-trust in a safe environment

Want to know and understand what’s been holding you back 

Are neurospicy and are looking for affirming spaces, practical strategies and community support to embrace what makes you unique

Register Now

What past clients are saying...


"Gemma helped me through one of the darkest periods of my life and I'll never forget it. The impact this programme had on me is indescribable."


"No New Things taught me that I can come up with my own answers, believe in them, and drive hard to achieve them."


"This programme was life changing. I now know I have everything I need to achieve my higher purpose and have a massive impact on the world."


"No New Things helped me to tune into and trust my intuition, allowing me to create change, be impactful, and live in my truth."

 "The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are"

Carl Jung




"My ability and capability to sit with the things that are hard, the things I've avoided most of my life, the narrative and stories I've built over time, has increased. Sitting with anger and my rage and to be with it while it evolves to truly what it is...which is a lot of grief, which is an attachment to things in the past. And I am here. And they are there. The ability to be with what fully hurts most. This has been a major tool for my life to continue to grow and expand in ways I could only hope and dream. My creativity has come back, and my ihi has awoken. It feels good to have creativity surging through me again.  [No New Things brought alive] fun and play. I've been so serious for so long.The offerings of No New Things, the rituals, the learnings, the community, and the safe space, contributed to where I am now. Now, I am home. The love I had been blocking off now gets to come through with this level of presence."



“Life before No New Things I knew I wanted to go into understanding what I needed to do to be a leader within my career. I always loved looking after people, so I wanted to see how could I grow that. I repressed a lot of my emotions. It was interesting, because although I wanted to help others, I was repressing a lot of what I was feeling. I had tried everything, but because there's layers of understanding, I just wasn't reaching it on my own. I was still stuck in the same repressive cycle of my emotions. Before I joined the main doubt I had was that I had no idea what the hell this is. I jumped in not knowing what coaching was, or what it potentially could have been. Now, I’m in the leadership opportunities, but more importantly, I learnt a lot about myself and staying present with myself. Really trusting my gut and my intuition, which is huge for me because that's what ultimately me helps me lead authentically and lead what I need. That's what I want others to be able to do. Really trusting that intuition of myself has helped me in these leadership spaces that I've gone into; in governance; as a team leader; and currently running for Council. As life goes, opportunities will continue coming as long as we stay on our path and do the inner-work. Thank you Gemma and thank you to my Cohort and the wider community."

Do any of these comments sound familiar?

"I don't have it as bad as others"

"I have so many privileges that I shouldn't feel this way"

"I had a perfect childhood so I don't understand"

"My siblings grew up in the exact same environment and they turned out so different so I'm making this up"

"Other people have gone through what I have and they're not like me so I need to get over it"

I believe that our past experiences are templates for our current reality. When we feel like we are met with a block in our current reality: an upper-limit in our business, an unhealthy pattern in our relationships, a block in our creativity, or our children mirroring back challenging behaviour, sometimes the real work is the inner-work. 

Our thoughts produce our reality. And the quality of our thoughts are determined by how well regulated our nervous system is.

Trauma-recovery coaching inside No New Things explores and uncovers the patterns keeping you stuck, confused, disconnected and uncertain by giving you the tools, strategies, frameworks and mentorship to practise new choices.

In this programme I guide you to address the root cause, not just the symptom, and breakthrough your pain and patterns.

Trauma-recovery coaching uncovers two things—

  1. The meaning we create in those moments when our stress response was activated (fight, flight, freeze or fawn)
  2. The disconnection that took place within your mind-body system to your authentic self and the present moment.  

Trauma, no matter how "big" or "small" can also be passed down across generations, normalised in family dynamics and learnt from culture. 

This is not your fault. 

With compassion, we can explore ways you can safely connect back with your authentic self and the present moment to find your grounding again. 

I guide you to discover your voice in areas of your life where you've felt voiceless, and enable you to make new choices. 

You no longer need to feel stuck or helpless. 

What's included in No New Things?

Over the 12 weeks, you'll receive:

  • 6 x fortnightly 90 minute LIVE Q&A group coaching calls 
  • 6 x fortnightly life-changing modules containing 32 videos, a 108 page workbook and challenges to transform the relationship you have with yourself and the world around you
  • Lifetime access to educational training videos, resources and workbooks
  • Weekly assignments, reflections and challenges to integrate new insights
  • An online community to meet new incredible people
  • High level accountability to support you to do the work
  • Unlimited email support outside of the live video calls to ask any questions you have, about anything 


  • 1 x 90 minute guest facilitator workshop guiding you deeper into your honest embodiment of joy 
  • 1 months' free access to Gemma Rose's On Demand Breathwork Library once you graduate

The Programme Content

Over 12-weeks, you receive content to nurture your connection with your spiritual self, deepen your connection with your body, feel and heal emotions and reprogramme your mindset to renegotiate your reality.

With special guest, Adam Robertson (Twerkwerk, Neurosomatic Facilitator)

Close out your No New Things experience with a one of a kind Twerkwerk® workshop to lock in all the incredible, transformational shifts that have taken place inside the programme. Get ready to unleash your inner-power, boost your confidence and tap into your joy! 

Twerkwerk® is more than just dance; it's a unique modality that fuses the liberating movements of Twerking with the profound practice of Breathwork.

Learn more about Adam & his offerings!

Meet your guide, Gemma Rose.


I believe you are the hero in your story, and I'm here to support you to connect with your innate healing capacities.

For nearly a decade I've worked in successful start-ups as an award-winning leader and founder focused on community development.

Now, I'm a self-leadership coach who has worked with 100's of clients across Aotearoa, and around the world. Utilising deep inner-work, mindset tools and somatic therapy, my clients transform the relationship they have with their heart, body, emotions and mindset so that they can live a life they love. 

I'm a mother who is committed to conscious and gentle parenting, and to reparenting myself everyday. 

👇 Feedback from programme participants👇



"The group aspect of the programme was something I was really hesitant about, but it was one of the best parts. The support and guidance from my cohort was an unexpected bonus! Hearing different perspectives and experiences, especially from a professional space, held so much value. The collective knowledge of the group and their support in sharing it is something I'm so grateful for. The positive outcomes from this programme have been HUGE. The skills, tools and awareness gained from No New Things have been transformational. Gemma creates such a sacred container for growth in her No New Things programme. She was 110% dedicated, present and in tune with our cohort. I'm so grateful to have gone through this programme with her guidance and now to be part of the No New Things community of like-minded people."


"I am so grateful I found Gemma and her programme! No New Things was exactly what I was looking for, it gave me the tools and resources I needed. The weekly group calls helped to keep myself accountable. I was able to push through discomfort and grow both in my business and personal life."


"No New Things was the antidote I needed for this next chapter of my life. What I loved most about the programme was that I could just show up as I was for each of the calls...without the mask. The programme showed me how to practise compassion towards myself, how to show up even when it's really hard, how to listen to my intuition and that incredible opportunities land my my way when I do. I received funding for my start-up, landed a part-time job with my mentor, enrolled and was accepted into my favourite subject at Massey Uni, and have received incredible support throughout this programme. I have reconnected with my authentic self through the healing journey No New Things offered me. Before the programme I was struggling with people-pleasing, boundaries and confidence and now I have transformed my self-esteem, find joy in what I'm passionate about, and know how to honour myself. I'm still healing and growing but I've seen my confidence increase and people-pleasing decrease. I love me now. Thank you for promoting the power of self-leadership and honouring where people are at on their spiritual journey Gemma!"


"If I could sum up this programme for me, I would say's given me a space to ground my energy, add to my life tools and be proactive in my healing journey. Practising these tools and the rituals Gemma shares has supported me to feel more stable and grounded, and I notice I don't spiral as often. After finishing No New Things, I'm most proud of my ability to be consistent. What I loved most about the programme was the made me question myself in the most beautiful way. After finishing, I'm realising that I’m only now tapping into creativity and curiosity which I can’t believe I went so long without (at least in my personal life not work life). The programme helped me connect with feeling immense joy again, which is linked to finally feeling “safe”. The shadow work helped me further heal in my sexuality and in relationships with woman, and I now can value uniqueness and depth...both in myself and others. It's funny because I felt really good before the programme, and looking back now I can see that this has taken my life from good to great. Dedicating time to myself inside No New Things shifted me from a reactive state to a proactive state with my mental health."





"[Before No New Things] I had no more energy to give. Being able to lean into a community going through similar things was refreshing, energising, motivating and empowering. The biggest thing I learnt in No New Things was being present in the moment, and grounding yourself. All that really matters is what you're doing at that specific moment. There's no point being stuck in the past or thinking about what might happen in the future because right now is what's happening. Being able to ground yourself and listen internally and take a moment to look inside and see what's happening. I would put a lot of pressure on myself to avoid certain things from happening, but I realised they were beyond my control and that's lifted a weight off my shoulders. I have time to reflect inwards trust the process, and operate from a place of love and understanding.

From listening comes knowledge

From knowledge comes understanding

From understanding comes wisdom

From wisdom comes well-being.

Maa te rongo, ka moohio

Maa te moohio, ka maarama

Maa te maarama, ka maatau

Maa te maatau, ka ora.

This Maaori proverb (whakatauki) speaks to the essence of this programme: discovering ways to listen to yourself so that you can cultivate well-being. And when you are well, you have a strong foundation to be of service, to listen to others and understand how you can be helpful. 

My heart is to guide you to find ways to be a great listener of your own truth, to discover the knowledge that exists within you, and just how this wise counsel holds what you need to experience joy in life. 

My aim as your guide is to invite you into the ways you can take your personal power back, becoming your own healer, your own coach, and your own mentor, listening to understand, gaining wisdom by doing the work, and discovering the fruits of well-being on the journey. 




"Gemma gave me the tools and resources that my soul needed to meet myself for the first time. I can see now. It was beautiful for me to also see others in the group grow with me as well. They truly feel like family. This programme changes my life."

Create meaningful, transformational change in your life

No New Things gives you the education, accountability and community to take action on what is important to you. 

After completing this programme, my clients have created incredible results such as:

  • Gained promotions
  • Received pay rises
  • Landed their dream job
  • Left part-time work to go full-time on their business
  • Started a business 
  • Started a creative project
  • Changed career paths
  • Started studying what they always wanted to study
  • Landed funding for social change initiatives
  • Left toxic relationships
  • Started volunteering for causes they care about
  • Increased their influence and impact in their job
  • Deepened the level of connection and intimacy in their relationships


Save $200 off your programme fees when you register before Sunday 4 August

One-off payment

$1,644 + GST

Most Popular

Monthly payment

$825 x 2 months

2 Monthly Installments

Monthly payment

$551 x 3 months

3 Monthly Installments

Monthly payment

$411 x 4 months

4 Monthly Installments

Monthly payment

$333 x 5 months

5 Monthly Installments



There's no denying the structural barriers at play everyday for marginalised communities. It's important we acknowledge the external forces that uphold systems of oppression, and that the inner-work is a challenge when you are in a world that demands you are resilient. This programme is an invitation to look at what can be done with what you have in your sphere of influence, and your safety is important in that journey.

As a trauma-informed programme, my primary goal is your safety, no matter your race, religion, political or sexual orientation. My heart is to create non-oppressive spaces that are inclusive, diverse and welcoming for all walks of life. The diversity of the programme participants enrichens the experience for all.

All races, genders, sexual orientations, religions, political affiliations and people are welcome in No New Things.

There is zero tolerance for racism, sexism, bigotry, hate, and white supremacy in my programmes and community spaces.

What past clients are saying...


"I have the tools to guide me to drop into my intuition and to live in an aligned way.

[Before working with Gemma] I felt like the princess and the pea. I had this pea at the bottom of my bed that I had explained away, or was too busy to feel, or I thought it was silly to feel that way so I didn't feel it at the time. 

Even though I'd logically explained my way out of [my feelings], because I didn't feel the emotions, they stuck around. [Moving through] this has allowed me to have relationships that don't harbour grief and resentment.”


"The weekly video content and worksheets are brilliant. I've gained awareness of the patterns that weren't serving me, and the education on how to change them. I now feel a stronger sense of connection and joy with people, can realise and celebrate my own strength, and trust myself more than I ever have before. And trusting myself means that my anxiety  has reduced...I don't need to control the outer world anymore because I know my inner-world is enough. Years later this programme continues to have a positive impact on my life, and I still use many of the tools I learnt inside the programme, and know that my wellbeing is my responsibility."


"No New Things supported me to strengthened my relationship with my own worthiness which has improved my relationship with myself, my partner and our baby. I've got so much to celebrate, including my ability to move through the discomfort of the learnings and to choose vulnerability. What I loved the most was the was delivered to such a high standard. My biggest breakthrough came from transforming the belief I have in myself which taught me that I'm worthy of communicating my needs, taking responsibility for my wellbeing and giving myself what I need. I am consciously choosing to access my sensual, divine and feminine state...this is the authentic me."


"What I loved most about the programme was being held accountable to action by Gemma and my fellow Cohort. The friendships that get created, and having a safe space to honestly share our thoughts and feelings as we apply the inner-work to our lives was a highlight. We weren't getting treatment from a therapist, we were travelling on a mutual journey with you. For 15 years I have unwittingly held prejudice against myself, restricting myself from doing things because of my physical disability. This programme was the end of that fallacy, and I now let myself try new things - I'm not afraid to do that anymore because of my disability. I appreciate myself more, and as someone who loves to give and help others, now know how to give that same love to myself. 

Frequently Asked Questions